
The Rational Optimist

Just read a very good book over the weekend - The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley. A rare breath of fresh air in a world where everybody dances to the tune of "it's the end of world as we know it". For a change, the guy's motto: life is beautiful, and it's only going to get better.
For years I was of the opinion that people see their lives as getting worse (the crappy present versus the now gone golden age) for a very simple reason: life was obviously better 30 years ago, when I was young, healthy, and with no obligations whatsoever - as opposed to today, when I'm older, have worse health and lots of obligations: family, work...
Actually, life today is much better that 30 years ago - if I only compare the life my kids have today versus my childhood 30 years ago - you can easily see huge improvements everywhere - health, food, clothing, toys, education.

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